Organizing committees

Organizing committee:  Department of ultrafast Optics and Nanophotonics, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS)

Jérémie Léonard (principal organizer), Alberto Barsella, Alex Boeglin, Marie Barthélémy, François Fras, Stefan Haacke, Valérie Halté-Filippi, Paul-Antoine Hervieux, Charles Hirlimann, Giovanni Manfredi, Mircea Vomir, with the technical assistance of Christine Tugène and Thien Ho Minh.


The FemoUP chat "moderators" team:

Alberto Barsella (IPMCS), Johanna Brazard (Uni. Genève), Bogdan Marekha (IPCMS), François Fras (IPCMS), Oscar Urquidi Gandarillas (Uni Genève), Amira Gharbi (IPCMS), Deeksha Gupta (IPCMS), Samiul Islam (IPCMS), Leila Ben Mahfoud (Uni. Saint-Etienne), Debobrata Rajak (Uni. Bordeaux), Thomas Roland (Uni. Lille), Shannon Whitlock (Uni. Strasbourg).


Scientific advisory committee composed of members of the "réseau Femto" and "GDR UP" boards:

Marie Barthélémy, Catherine Le Blanc, Véronique Boutou, Christian Bordas, Pascale Changenet, Olivier Faucher, Franck Lépine,  Lionel Poisson, Valérie Halté-Filippi, Jean-François Hergott, Vincent de Waele.

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